
On December 13, 1937, the 6th and 16th Divisions of the Japanese Army entered the city of NanJing through the Zhong Shan and Pacific Gates. In the following six weeks, the occupying Japanese forces engaged in an orgy of looting and mass execution which came to be known as the NanJing Massacre. It was estimated by historians that at least 300,000 Chinese died, and 20,000 women were brutally raped, then killed. Some estimate the numbers to be much higher - 340,000 and 80,000, respectively. The Japanese government, to this day, maintains that the death toll is greatly exaggerated, and some politicians have even claimed that the Massacre itself is a fabrication.

We are living to remember and will not forget: the screams and cries of death are unforgettable, the blood of the defenseless and innocent on the cracked walls of Nanking is unforgettable, the Rape of Nanking in the invasion is unforgettable. We Chinese People will never forgive any denial or distortion of the Nanking Massacre committed by Japanese invaders in 1937.

For the sake of world peace and development and memorializing the war victims, the Nanking Massacre 1937 Memorial Foundation NYC was established in September 2007 in New York City. Regardless of religion and belief, nationality and ethnicity, we aim to pressure the current Japanese Government and People to confess their brutal crimes in the past and to admit to coercing women into sexual slavery as so-called "Comfort Women" in the Second Sino-Japanese War.

Now we are calling on you to join us and stand with us hand in hand and shoulder to shoulder. We need your voice and power to let the truth be told and increase public awareness of the Nanking Massacre in 1937, to educate the Westerner and remind the Easterner of the unforgettable tragedy in Nanking, and to raise up the Asian voice about the unforgettable history of World War II.

The Great Memorial Rally for Nanking Massacre 1937

Memorial Theme: The Great Memorial Rally for the Nanking Massacre of 1937

Rally Time: December 9, 2007 (Sunday), 12:00pm - 4:00pm

Rally Venue: Union Square, New York City

Memorial Goals:
1. Collect 500 letters from organizations, institutes, and student associations (CSSA) to support our mission
2. Raise 19,370 dollars for the Rally & Protest in New York
3. Mobilize 1,937 people for the Great Memorial Rally @ NYC

Rally Program:
1. Oral history and free speech
2. History and truth in images and words
3. Mass petition signing
4. Mass choir of patriotic Chinese song
5. Contribute and donate to related memorial organizations and institutes worldwide (The Memorial Hall for Compatriots)

We need your help and support:
1. To be a Leader
2. To be a volunteer
3. Contribute a dollar or more
4. Print a picture of the Massacre
5. Write down one piece of history and truth
6. Make a sign or slogan
7. Make a pure white swan Origami
8. Invite a Chinese friend
9. Invite an American friend
10. Spread the news about the Nanking Massacre of 1937 Memorial Event
